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So this is just a portion of that text right Bhagavad Gita was written by Vedvyas right and the compiler of the text is Adi shankaracharya so when so he compiled the text it is in his time that this text gain a lot of attention right so this text has 18 chapters in total each chapters elaborating on one form of yoga right there are multiple forms of yoga and each chapter in

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You will be suprised right so this text is in the form of a conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna right Lord Krishna was a one who was transmitting the knowledge and Lord Arjuna one was the one who was asking the question and required that knowledge right this text is actually nothing but apart of a very famous epic in india called “Mahabharat” okey

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Given in Bhagavad Gita and often we don’t know how to deal with things in our life we know that certain circumstances come up in life but we are not taught from the beginning how to manage life so this is a great management text and even though it was written thousands of years ago it is still relevent if you read it today it will fit so easily into your life that How to navigate through life okey if you are struggling with something in your life or if something is bothering you in your life then this is the text you can always look up to right you will find the answers to all of your doubts over here the right way of doing something of leading life it is so just by reading this text one can understand

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Srimad Bhagavad Gita and i told you the full name is ” Srimad Bhagavad Gita Upanisad” right so let’s get to know a little bit more about this text and why it is so famous so this text is actually you know as i said it’s the essence of all Upanisad’s. so shortly this is named Bhagavad Gita or only Gita right so Gita so most people know it by the name of either Gita or Bhagavad Gita but in a lot of books you will also find Many in number right as per one Upanisad there are 108 of those right so the essence of all of these 108 Upanisad it’s captured in just one text which is named “Bhagavad Gita”. Text to place it was in a conversation form right it actually form the essence of all the Upanisadso if you know about the Upanisad they are the essence of the “Veda” So Vedas are very old scriptures right and they are very large you know it’s very hard to read The Vedas right so Upanisad’s came in as the essence of the Vedas but the Upanisad are also quite to Gita Upanisad” okey so this entire name in itself tells you about the text so Srimad Bhagavad Gita Upanisad this Gita this word it means to sing so this text was sung by Lord Krishna to Lord Arjuna and what it he sing about he sang about the ultimate reality okey the ultimate truth and why is the term Upanisad used because when he narrated this text, when this Which is read throughout the world there is no exception to this fact that it is read by a lot of people and it is slowly being accepted as a universal text rather than just being areligious text right so the full name of the text which you will not find in a lot of places is actually “Srimad Bhagavad I’m yogini Saumya & i’ll be conducting your session today so today our topic of discussion is one that captures the interest of a lot of people and in recent times Bhagavad Gita has become one of the most famous texts Just feel the vibrations join both your palms together and rub them together keep them on the eyes very slowly while blinking and looking at your plams begin to open up your eyes start coming back with the smile and Namaste to everyone we welcome you at Himalayan Yoga Association Namaste everyone Kindly come up on your mat sit comfortably keeping your back and neck straight and very gently close your eyes start observing your breathe just the natural flow of the breathing as you are I nhaling and exhaling be in your posture and make sure you are correctly aligned slowly begin to deepen your breathing will be chanting Om three times followed by three Shanti’s inhale deeply for Om

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